Tuesday 26 July 2011

And thuth doth ith beginneth...

Maaaan it's a bitch trying type long texts on an itouch.

Day one's been pretty all right, flew into Berlin via Frankfurt with a decent amount of sleep (though seriously SIA needs to get its act together re krisworld, it's getting from bad to worse, which means over a twelve hour flight I only caught a couple of sitcoms - second rate ones really. Mike and Molly, hot in Cleveland (tired premise and awful jokes but Valerie Bertinelli looks really good for her age. I don't know what age that is but I was hot for her way back in my uh first flush of puberty. Yes kids them sacs are dropping even lower now. Heh heh.)

But SURELY I digress. Felt rather proud I managed to navigate the bus/rail system rather easily to get to the hostel, then realized it might just be down to a darn good public transportation set-up. (I still have my freedom, right)Circus hostel's pretty cool - would insert pic here if I could be stars and if I can figure out how to do that on an itouch. Great location in Mitte, decent food options around, not that I'm holding my breath where German cuisine's concerned. Got in, explored surrounding area a bit then jumped onto a walking tour ( walked into a walking tour?) led by Aussie dude who reminds me of that Josh actor fella. One who does those smarmy roles. Anyway. Got a bit of history in, walked past parts of the Wall, Checkpoint Charlie (which was shockingly touristy - ok maybe not shocking but you get what I mean), Brandenburger Tor, and this really cool war memorial to the Jews. Couple more hours of walking, quick dinner then hopped into bed.

Food wise....meh. Had a tasty chicken diner - but can anyone explain to me how that slab of chicken on the spit can be so big when clearly no such chicken exists, not even in the good ol twisted labs of the good colonel himself?? Had a curry wurst after, only cos I felt I had to but it did absolutely nothing for me. Dinner was a pizza Napoli which slowly grew on me. What IS one to look out for from this place in terms of food? Sauerkraut? Bakeries are pretty good though.

Final thoughts. Hmmm. Still yet to fully embrace the trip lah, and damned people at the hostel are far too young! But berlin's really beautiful, the architecture is amazing and I guess I'm looking toward to seeing more of it over the next few days. Would help if I could be bothered to ready guide book but you know what? This bot's just gonna sleep lah.

Here's to hoping I keep up these updates. Night, world.


  1. Wah... that sounded like THREE dinners on the first day. You might have to change the wardrobe soon.

  2. Ok that should read chicken DONER. But yes no exercise and tonnes of food and coke. Sigh.
